Family Gathering with Easter Egg Coloring
When we think of holidays we generally plan to get together the day of. However, sometimes I like the days before and the preparations even more than the actual holiday. Things such as baking Christmas cookies or watching Christmas movies together are moments that make memories within themselves. I love taking the opportunity to make a Sunday dinner or a family gathering just a little more special. These little get togethers help build tradition.
This year I decided to throw a little Easter Egg coloring party for the girls with Siena being old enough to participate. We had some Chicken Parm, and Penne Vodka for dinner, with plenty of desserts! I covered the table with a colorful table cloth and looking back it should have been one of those plastic ones! I also had plenty of paper towel and stain stick available. We found these cute little bunny ears tongs that made dipping a bit easier. I had stickers and markers available for extra decorating. Make sure not to forget you need white vinegar for the dye kits! I think my first go around I forgot about that!
This was a good time to talk about Palm Sunday and the meaning behind Easter. More than just driving home the story the day of. Before Jesus died on the cross the same people who condemned him were throwing him a parade only a short time before that. I think about how sometimes when things are going well we are quick to praise God. However, when things go wrong we are quick to question and condemn him. But no matter what our attitude towards him his never wavers. He loves us and had enough mercy to send his only son to die for us. That fact will never change no matter how we let our emotions turn our hearts against him. I am constantly making an effort to praise him the storms of life. I have learned that valleys are only places we have to walk through in order to get to the peaks he has for us. To patient with his timing as he is patient with me every moment.
So even more than coloring Easter eggs. I hope instill this in Siena’s heart. I pray that I will be able to show her a mom who praises God in the good and bad. Above all else is grateful for the sacrifice he has made beyond the Easter season.
Brian being helpful
the priceless scenes that happen when you get together <3