Why Darkness is Necessary before the Light
photo by laurel creative
At about three o’clock, Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Matthew 27:46
At first glance this verse is not what we would consider the most uplifting in the Bible. However, upon further study you realize this cry from Jesus was filled with just as much hope as it was agony. Most of us tend to think of this as the time God turned his back on Jesus. Or take it as the moment Jesus died. Which all of that is true. This is exactly how I thought of it all these years. However, there is a message of hope intertwined with Jesus’s last words.
In this particular moment in time we are dealing with a pandemic. A crisis that has and continues to effect not only our homes but the entire world. There has been so much loss on a scale that is overwhelming. Loss of time with loved ones, jobs, security, mental health, and life. We also know the ripple effect will be filled in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Which may have us identifying with this statement Jesus makes at the end of his time on the cross. Not that I necessarily want to minimize what Jesus did on the cross in any way. My point is, Jesus was human and experienced extreme pain both physically and mentally. He experienced feelings of abandonment, confusion, loss, and suffering. Just as maybe some of us are right now in this moment. Although, in doing so he was taking the suffering of the world upon himself so that we may have the relationship we have with him today. We no longer need to burn offerings and come to him through an appointed man of God. We can just approach him, pray and worship where we are at. We have unlimited access to him! However, point being, he is not oblivious to what we are currently going through. He is hearing us cry out, and he is still there.
In that moment God did turn his back on Jesus because he can not look upon sin. The burden of sin now fully rests on Jesus. At that very last moment Jesus submits to God’s will putting all his trust in him. Then there is hope in deliverance, that there is life on the other side of death. No matter how bad things are, there is hope in Jesus. Maybe that sounds trite to you right now. I totally get it. What does hope, trust and faith mean when there is so much darkness. Well, hope helps us hang onto to the promise that he works all things out for good. Faith is enacting that hope even when we can’t fathom what good can possibly lie ahead. Putting our ultimate trust in God and al these things. That we can let go and find peace in this dark time, because Sunday is coming. Deliverance is coming and the light will triumph the dark. You can already see it peaking through in unexpected places.
I would suggest reading Psalm 22 because it fascinating to read it with new eyes. Knowing that this was the passage Jesus was referencing to his believers in his last moment. I used this article —>from Bible Study Tools to kick off my look into these words.
note: I am not a preacher or one who holds any bible degree. Just an avid Jesus lover and follower sharing the thoughts and interpretations that I have come about when reading and studying in my own walk with the Lord. Please read the Bible and study for yourself and consult with your Pastor if you feel my perspective is misleading or does not agree with your “theology.”