Home School Sunday School Ideas
Daniel and the lions den
Not being able to go to a church every week is going to be challenging. Yes, you can worship at home and we have so many resources. However, being able to worship with a church family, learn and grow together is so important for our walk with the Lord. Siena looks forward to church and Sunday school. We have worked hard to bring her even when it was not convienent to us. Now sometimes she even plays church with her dolls from time to time. I do not want to this love for church to go away. Therefore, I have made it a point to spend some time on Sundays doing short lessons with her. Here are some quick ideas for you to consider and build upon.
I usually start with prayer and then I use the instruments we have at home to facilitate worship. I use this youtube video by Listener Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKkbIZtqhyQ. She really loves their version of “This Little Light of Mine.” They also have animals give little verses in-between the songs which is helpful.
Then I tell her a short bible story using one of the picture books we have. We really love the Look and Tell Bible.
Daniel and the Lions Den- Great lesson on how God protects us. I give short verse to repeat with her throughout our time.
Verse: Such as 2 Thessalonians 3:3: “But the Lord is faithful and he will strengthen you, and protect you from the evil one.” However I shorten it because SIena is only 2 and a half. I want her to get the main idea. So I paraphrase it to “God is faithful and he protects us.” After reading the story I ask her a couple of simple questions.
Worship- using the listener kids youtube mentioned about
Then we do a craft that helps reinforce the story. I took a paper plate and drew the face of lion. Then had Siena color it in. then we glued pieces of tissue paper around the outside to make the mane. Then we re-read the story with her pretending to the be lion.
Noahs Ark- Again, a great lesson about protection and trusting in God.
Worship with Instruments and youtube video
Use Veggie Tales Video to Tell the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkT38zMqFvY …just use certain clips because the video is almost an hour long
Chances are you have some little people or animal figurines in the house. Round them up! Have your toddler(s) load the animals into a container.
Then make a cloud and rainbow craft. Cut a cloud out of construction paper, and have them glue cotton onto the cloud. Then attach strips of different color paper.
Then have your toddler put the cloud and rainbow over the animals and say God protected Noah and the ark, God is faithful.
God Made Everything
Worship- You Make Me Brave (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8F3I05ZXW0)- Resource from Darea Hastie
Read the story about creation. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hMEfpbE-Bs)
If it is nice venture outside with a shoebox. If not, you can stay inside! Have your child collect a variety of different things.
Head inside and go through the box. Noting that God made everything they pull out. If some things can be glued to construction paper, you can do that as well!
Here are also some free printables I found. https://ministry-to-children.com/bible-coloring-pages/creation/
Growing with God
Prayer- maybe have your child repeat after you when you pray. Line up their favorite stuffed animals and have them pray for their stuffed animals. Take out a family photo album and have them point to family members and pray for them by name.
Worship- Love these veggietale tunes! Have a little dance party, teach your kids the hand motions where they apply! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buMGo29mxQw&list=PLHW6CSUFSZ8Nrr9ZmCA0F622qg9TQ-FH5
Verse- “And the seed that fell on the good ground is like those who hear God’s teaching with good, honest hearts and obey it and patiently produce good fruit” (Luke 8:15).
Use a flower pot to explain as well as have an activity. OR Use plastic cups or mini terracotta pots and glue paper flower cut outs to popsicle sticks. If you can use real seedlings and dirt. I love the sesame street planter kits, which I have linked here: https://rstyle.me/+Lf9H-5FdaC0XnQYx4i9V0g
Explaining that plants need sunlight and water in order to grow. We need prayer and worship to grow strong in our relationship with God! Doing things like praying and reading everyday helps the seed that God plants in our hearts to grow!
Gods Helper
Prayer- Have your child pray for the helpers in their communities (teachers, policeman, fireman, and etc.)
Verse-1 Corinthians 10:31 – Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.
Share the story of the Good Samaritan. Use this illustration to help you tell the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq3g3ZNf9-c
Activity Ideas: Make a helper jar. Brainstorm ways your child can be a good helper. Add those ideas to a jar and pick one daily
Helping hands- Trace your childs hands on construction paper. Simply have them color them in, or cut and paste onto a larger paper. If you are brave, with finger paint have them make a collage of their hand prints.
I can help others. Fill a box with items that they can use to “help” others. For example, a stethoscope from a play doctors kit. When they pull it out of the box have them help one of their baby dolls feel better. Other good items are band-aids, hammer (kids/play toy), dust cloth or dust pan (I can help clean)….
Just try to look around your house and within their toys for things that you can use to bring bible stories to life. Or to help illustrate them anyway you can. Even if you can get them to participate for 5 minutes consider it a win. You ARE planting a seed in their lives, even when you think they aren’t listening. God is there with you, sees your heart, and will bless your families effort. With a lot of families homeschooling this seems like another task we may not be up for. But consider doing it over breakfast, or keeping your pajamas on. Or maybe you do it as a closer to bed time activity. Let’s just not forget about the importance of keeping God in our lives as we adjust to a new, hopefully temporary normal.