Calming Thoughts for Anxious Times
For people who already struggle with anxiety problems such as the cornavirus can be especially nerve wracking. This post highlights encouragement and alternate ways of thinking to combat this especially difficult time.
A Case for NOT Doing it ALL
A case for women not doing it all. Yes, you can do anything you put your mind too. But at what cost to our physical and mental health. This opinion based article discusses one mom’s argument for how her desire to do it all, left her empty.
In-between the Couple Goals
A challenge to my hungry girls out there to do participate in a spiritual fast.
A Hungry Girls Fasting for Faith Update
A challenge to my hungry girls out there to do participate in a spiritual fast.
A Hungry Girls Fasting for Faith
A challenge to my hungry girls out there to do participate in a spiritual fast.
Every Mess is a Masterpiece
A different perspective on pain and suffering. How God uses your mess to make a masterpiece.
Joy Comes in the "Mourning"
After a long stretch of dealing with postpartum depression, death in the family, and sickness I was craving joy. Are things suddenly perfect and in order? No, far from it.
You "Shouldn't" Have PostPartum
Around Christmas things were dark. I struggled through extreme anxiety and this heaviness. At first, I thought that this was something all new moms felt.
Happy New Year, honestly...
At the end of that post I said I was looking forward to telling you how things were getting better. In some ways, they are, but I also realized something really important.